Master The Art Of Marketing And Sell Your Web Series Like A Pro

After completing the web series, many creators struggle with marketing it. The primary reason that stops most creators from advertising their web series is that they are not aware of various marketing mediums.

Many beginner creators have no idea what their first step should be and when is the right time to market their web series. In this article today, we will try to answer such questions so you can stop juggling around and bring real focus to marketing your web series.

Let’s get going-

The 4 Steps Toward How To Start A Web Show

Before taking a dive into ways to market your web series, let’s get to know the ways to start a web series.

Step 1: Writing

The first step toward producing a web series is to know the script. A web series should always start with a hook that keeps the viewer interested to explore it further. This is usually done within the 15 seconds of each episode; this is your time where you can make or break a deal.

Tip: An episode that is three to four minutes long would generally take three to our pages of script.

Step 2: Pre-Production

As it sounds, this step lets you decide other important things such as approx budget, equipment to use, shooting location, and people.

This step lets you know what you will do when all the equipment and crew members are ready to shoot. This is also the point where you may realize that you don’t have enough funds and may have to arrange the investors.

Step 3: Production

Once you have figured out all the things as mentioned above, it’s time to start with the shooting. Inform all the crew members about the dates in advance so you don’t meet any delays. 

Also, you should be reasonable with the shooting hours and do not cross the industry standards or people will end up burning out. Keep your shots on multiple drives so you do not have to stress out when a shot is lost.

Step 4: Distribution

By this step, you have completed the shoot and have your web series ready. Now, comes the step that will determine the overall success of your film and the financial returns.

You need to decide on a platform where you will have the web series distribution. Look for a budget-friendly online streaming platform like YouTube, GUDSHO, or Vimeo, and publish your creation.

Also, send your film to various film festivals; keep looking for different mediums to publish your film on and you would be creating more success.

How To Market A Web Series – The Right Way!

When it comes to web series marketing, creators need to create hype as quickly as possible so that by the time they launch it, the audience will be waiting for it.

A powerful marketing strategy can really help you level up your game of spreading awareness about your creation. Below we have added an effective marketing strategy that will let you promote your web series rightly with visible results.

1) Know The Insights About Your Viewers Or Audience

Knowing your audience is the key to sell your web series. To know that, first understand your web series, who it caters to the most, what age group they are from, what are their usual binge-watching habits, and why they choose those web series or films; make sure you ask these questions yourself before you start pitching your web series to production houses.

Some production houses ask these questions to filmmakers while distributing and buying web series, to know where to target and how to market the films/web series.

For instance, if your audiences are under 30 and hail from a particular region, the web series speaks about their lifestyle and routine. Then you can efficiently market them using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with content focusing on their consumption habits.

“According to a survey conducted in the US in 2021, adults from 18 to 29 are active social media consumers.”

By researching and using the data, you can quickly market your web series on social media by strategizing your audience base.

2) Build A Channel On An Online Streaming Platform

 As an independent filmmaker, you can monetize and market your content on premium video platforms like GUDSHO. Cut a top-notch trailer, create a channel in GUDSHO, and express your content most excitingly.

A dedicated channel for your web series is a great way to promote your web series. On the other hand, since it’s a monetization platform, you earn revenue for each view and subscribers you gain for your web series trailers and content.

3) Take The Assistance Of Influencers And Utilize Paid Marketing

Sometimes influencer marketing is vital in marketing your web series. Moreover, influencers have a broader reach in social media platforms and could trend in the present scenario. So, connect with influencers on social media platforms who are passionate about your project and make short videos about your web series and make the influencer share your content.

Try to run paid marketing campaigns online through social media platforms.

Create a short and crisp hashtag, and keep sharing the trailers from your monetization channels. 

4) Connect With Your People And Enlighten Them About Your Project

For networking, you don’t always have to meet people in a physical location. In this digital age, people are more attentive virtually, and hence you can use online spaces. For example, you can promote your video in YouTube comments, Reddit, Facebook pages, and other spaces about films and media.

5) Get Active In Social Media Spaces And Join The Community

There are plenty of web series and film-based communities where production houses are reaching out and learning about audience pulse. As a filmmaker, if you post engaging trailers and posters in social media spaces and fans speak about it, you will be called out for distribution.

6) Media Vehicles

Utilizing various mediums of media can be another effective way to promote your content. For example, you can let the radio jockeys advocate your web series and let their fans know about it. 

You can also put the banners showing your series and release date in different locations. Banners include visuals that make people notice them; you can allure attention by being creative with your banners.

Similarly, you can advertise your web series on public transports such as metro trains. You never know how many people are influenced by the metros’ marketing.

OTT has been around the corner for several years, reaching millions and crossing boundaries without restrictions. If you want to market your films, OTT is a great way to establish your web series; the OTT marketing team will reach the audience if you have interesting content.

Reaping Results:

All these are the methods that, if used effectively, can expand your horizons and let you meet the target audience. It might take a few trials and errors; however, experimenting is the only way to know what works best for you.

With that being said, we hope all these tips and steps help you set your game and level it up for marketing and selling your web series.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. How do you market a web series?

Marketing a web series involves multiple strategies put together. Take note of the steps below to market your web series correctly.
1) Target your audience based on the web series content
2) Cut a Top-notch trailer
3) Share the trailer on social media platforms with a trending or appropriate hashtag
4) Reach out to video monetization platforms
5) Connect with influencers
6) Sell it in production houses with a pitch deck.

2. How to make a web series popular?

You can make a web series popular by carrying out the following activities,
1) Create a Social media page about your web series
2) Connect with influencers and share BTS scenes
3) Share your awesome trailer and trend with hashtags
4) Find your audience base and reach out to them with regular posts.

3. Who is the target audience for the web series?

Finding your target audience is the key to marketing your web series. To find that follow the below steps
1) Segregate your audience into the digital audience and offline audience
2) Target the audience with relevant content on social media
3) Reach out to audiences on their highly active pages.

4. How can we promote our web series?

Promotions are an integral part of the marketing process; make sure you have them on your list
1) Prepare a marketing plan based on the audience
2) Use social media platforms for exposure
3) Do Influencer marketing
4) Visually connect with audiences through trailers, posters, and trending memes.

5. What’s the best way to market a web series?

Press releases and media marketing are powerful ways to reach more audiences with advertisements on their channel. Social media platforms are also the go-to option to make them famous.

About the Author: Srinivasan

Srinivasan is a Digital Marketer and Blogger who is passionate about video monetization-based solutions. He believes in spreading the latest tech trends. He is an avid reader and Loves to share views on the latest technologies, tips, and tricks.

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